August 2016. California.
EDITOR’S NOTE: When I wrote this GM made no mention of DC charging the Bolt EV on their website. Instead they had a large graphic saying “9 hours to fully charge”. Thankfully that has changed, and the Bolt is on the road in big numbers where I live. I now have 2 friends who drive the Bolt and they love it. But, interestingly enough the day that Chevy announced the first Bolts were being delivered to new owners, Chevrolet dealerships placed ads on the radio saying if you get an EV, you better get a tent and prepare to camp out because it takes 21 hours to charge an EV. This revealed a lack of centralized effort and was the disappointing result of competing interests both within GM, and between GM and dealerships.
The release of the Chevy Bolt is quickly approaching. Continue reading →