Abstracts & Posters
Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 1, 2023.
Abstract should be no more than 350 words.
Presentations will be poster format.
- Three abstracts will be selected for a short oral presentation.
Three outstanding presenters will earn a fellowship that covers registration costs
Presenting authors must register for the conference.
Submit abstracts by e-mail to: vmartinezcerdeno@ucdavis.edu, Subject: Cortical Evolution Abstract.
The poster format is up to 70 cm wide by 100 cm high.
Please hand in your poster to reception when you register on the morning of the first day of the conference. You may take your poster at the end of the conference.
Poster Presentations

Poster Abstracts 1 - 13

Poster Abstracts 14 - 27

© Cortical Evolution, contact: vmartinezcerdeno@ucdavis.edu