Pan-American Congress on Autism, Fragile X Syndrome, ADHD and Other Developmental Disorders

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Welcome to the Second Pan-American Congress on Fragile X Syndrome and Other Developmental Disorders, to be held in Quito in March 2025! We are excited to bring together various speakers from around the world who are experts in the field, as well as leaders in the realm of autism and related disorders. They will present the latest advancements in science and provide valuable insights into best practices and proper management from both medical and therapeutic perspectives.



In addition to featuring renowned experts, this congress will serve a dual purpose by hosting a parallel event tailored specifically for parents. This event will offer evidence-based information, management guidelines, and updates on the latest scientific advancements in the management of their children’s conditions.

This congress is made possible through the collaboration of leading institutions in Ecuador and USA, thanks to the efforts of the “Camina Conmigo” Foundation, which provides care for children with autism, and Neurodesarrollo Quito, an institution dedicated to the treatment, support and evaluation of individuals with developmental challenges, and the Ventricular Foundation, led by Dr. Veronica Martínez Cerdeño in California, which is dedicated to research in the areas of Fragile X Syndrome, autism, and other developmental challenges.

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We are proud to partner with global leaders such as the MIND Institute at the University of California, a center of excellence in autism treatment.

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